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Weather Station Hardware Upgrade

Weather Station Nagu started summer 2003 when Station Master decided to combine weather observation and computer software related hobbies and create a local weather station publicly available on Internet. The original equipment was based on Davis Vantage Pro hardware. That equipment lasted over 15 years with quite a minimal maintenance, and parts of it are...

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Solar Power Plant Installed

Weather Station Nagu’s house has now a solar power plant installed, with peak power 4,92 kWp. Station Master’s plan is to add current power production gauge and chart to weather station, as soon as integration issues are solved. Below a chart of solar power today by 14 o’ clock.

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Tempest Issues

On April 4 after 11:30 pm Tempest’s relative humidity sensor failed and started showing steadily 7%. After reporting this to WeatherFlow support, defect was verified and a replacement unit is on the way. Until the new unit arrives, relative humidity is measured using Ruuvitag. Also solar power measurement is likely faulty showing too high values....

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Failed Rain Measurement

Long awaited rain came lat night, but WS Nagu did not report rain at all. Today, Station Master inspected Davis rain gauge (which is still used to report rain instead of Tempest), and the reason is now clear: the gauge’s funnel was completely clogged with pollen and other stuff. Station Master should have cleaned the...

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Tempest and Rain Measurement

WS Nagu’s current equipment, WeatherFlow Tempest is installed on top of a mast on Station Master’s house’s rooftop. This should be an ideal placement to measure wind. But a downsize has been that the haptic rain sensor has not worked reliably, due to vibrations of the mast. So far, rain measurement has been taken from...

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